


聚了 保利连接 2月16日.  这个节目是新构想的社区和多样性日. 学校助理校长,学术 米甲Hershkovitz P ' 16, ' 18欢迎我们的客座演讲者卡米尔·里奇教授 保利连接:其他人的故事 适用于所有中学生和高中生. 这次会议, 这是本学年计划举办的四场活动中的第一场, 会成为我们持续多元化的基础吗, 股本, and inclusion work to provide all students with a common language in which these discussions will progress, 以及来自我们不同生活经历的移情.

保利连接: Camille Rich

卡米尔·里奇教授 is Associate Provost for Diversity and 包容 Initiatives at the University of Southern California. She joined the USC Gould School of Law faculty in the fall of 2007 following five years of private practice where she worked primarily on general commercial litigation and internal investigations. 里奇教授在私立学校有丰富的工作经验, 领导团队, 以及所有年龄段的学生.

在进入私人执业之前, 丰富的教授, 谁是耶鲁法学院的毕业生, 纽约南区地区法官Robert L. Carter and on the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals for Circuit Judge Rosemary Barkett.


丰富的教授 presented three sessions during the two-hour community time with students, moving to smaller conversations in Zoom breakout rooms by advisory in 中学 and by grade level in 上学校. 上学校 faculty and 中学 advisors acted as facilitators for the discussions.

丰富的教授 said she thought it was “a brave thing for your community to do to have these conversations.她建议与会者,这些对话“可能会很激烈”.”


丰富的教授 presented the question, “Why has Black history been presented as puzzle pieces?”

She spoke about the murder of George Floyd in May 2020 and asked students to consider how the story was discussed in their own families and neighborhoods. “Can you tell the story of the past year without the George Floyd protests story?她问. “You 是 ready now to evaluate the American story you have been gifted thus far. 你已经准备好找出拼图中缺失的部分并提出问题, “当我看到完整的美国故事时,我得到了什么??’”

对于第一个分组会议, she asked students to consider several questions: Did you discuss George Floyd’s death in class? 你的家人讨论过乔治·弗洛伊德的故事吗? 这些讨论是相似的还是不同的? 你们讨论过家庭恐惧吗? 家庭实践? 家庭的身份?


当学生们从第一次分组讨论中回来时, 里奇教授又谈到了乔治·弗洛伊德的故事, 但他指出,这并不是唯一的故事. She said that there 是 many other stories such as that of George Floyd that have taken place in America. 她说,许多故事的“抹去”是我们传统历史的特征. She asked students to consider “what stories 是 important for a full picture to understand American history.”

丰富的教授 cited the example of Senator Tom Cotton’s (R-AR) opposition to the 1619项目, a 纽约时报 杂志 initiative “to reframe the country’s history by placing the consequences of slavery and the contributions of Black Americans at the very center of our national narrative.”

她接着讲了塞内卡村的故事, 这是一个混血儿社区,位于现在的中央公园. 通过土地征用权, 这50名房主被迫在1825年以大约4美元的价格出售他们的房屋,000 ($108,为了给公园的建设让路. 丰富的教授 said Blacks depended on that land for the right to vote; with the sale, they lost the possibility of intergenerational wealth as well as representation at a time when voting depended on property ownership.

在其他“缺失的拼图和隐藏的历史”中,”她说。, 还有其他事件吗?, 包括“经济恐怖”,,这是一种持久的策略.


在所谓的红色夏天(实际上是1917年至1923年), 36个城镇被毁,超过1个,000名非裔美国人在一场恐怖运动中丧生. 袭击目标包括塔尔萨的格林伍德等繁荣社区, OK; Rosewood in Florida; and Elaine, 在阿肯色州.

In the breakout session, facilitators asked if any students had heard about Seneca Valley. 一名九年级学生说,他在YouTube上看过一段视频. 另一名学生从父母那里听说了塔尔萨大屠杀.


“这让你感觉如何??主持人问. “它改变了我的观点,”一名学生说. “政府并不总是公正或正确的.”


“这是一段血腥的历史,”一名学生说. “人们不想接受它是历史的一部分,”另一个人说. “历史的一部分是建立在谎言之上的,”另一个人说.

Hidden Histories: The Story of 查尔斯·达文波特 and the Long March of 历史

里奇教授认为,红色夏天是一个更大故事的一部分. “这是博彩网站排名摧毁黑人财富的,”她说. “这些故事告诉我们通往平等之路的什么?她问. “How do these hidden stories complicate the story we tell about the economic struggles of Blacks in America?”

她把这些故事和保利自己的历史联系起来. 查尔斯·达文波特, 谁被称为优生学之父, 毕业于博彩网站排名理工学院, 原装保利预科, in 1886. 达文波特反对种族混合. 里奇教授分享了达文波特是 遗传与遗传学的关系; 该书在美国成为“优生学运动的圣经”.S.

里奇教授接着考虑 Black@polyprep Instagram页面, 包括近年来保利学生非常痛苦的经历吗. She reminded students that they cannot understand a place until they understand its history.

在学生进入分组讨论环节之前, 里奇教授说:“在历史的长征中, 你们的行动是长征的一部分. 后代会问:‘你在哪里?’”她要求他们思考,“我们为什么要躲避别人的故事?她补充说,“那些故事。 你的,即使你被告知那是别人的历史.”


“另一方面有很多可能性,” 丰富的教授 encouraged the students as they moved to the breakout session.

在九年级学生的分组讨论会上, the facilitator said she had not heard about Davenport and asked students how they felt to hear the story. One student said he thought the story about Davenport was “lost because no one wanted to address it.但另一名学生说,这“仍然是我们历史的一部分”.”


The facilitator brought up the fact that a recent artist in residence had researched Poly’s history and found that the Dyker Heights campus was founded on land which 曾经属于勒纳佩部落但我们不知道他们何时或如何失去了他们的土地.

在会议结束时, 丰富的教授 asked students to consider the march of history in regard to Poly’s story. “作为保利的学生,你们感觉如何??她问. “我们该怎么做才能不让种族主义永久化呢?”?”

Maite Iracheta
mait Iracheta P ' 16

节目结束后, 世界语言教师mait Iracheta 16级, sh是d, “I liked leading a group of students who for the most part I didn’t know. 因为我们是一个小团队, I think the questions we had to explore allowed for a development of individual thought that felt intimate, 闭合电路. 在探索和学习的过程中,我们一起在那里. It was illuminating how some of these ninth graders were connecting dots on the world around them, 寻求理解. 我希望全体学生都能参与进来 保利连接, weaving the missing pieces of our imperfect human puzzle at Dyker Heights.”

The sessions prompted students and adults to do some research about our own history. “昨天的会议之后,” 杰克·拉德23岁 “我对查尔斯·达文波特做了一些研究. 我找到了一些他的家庭记录, and noticed that the surnames ‘Joralemon’ and ‘Pierpont’ ran in his family. This caught my attention because there 是 streets in Brooklyn Heights named Joralemon and Pierrepont. This makes me wonder… whether or not these street names hold any significance to 查尔斯·达文波特 or his family. I plan on researching more about how the legacies of oppressors might be immortalized in ways that we often don’t know about and often don’t think twice about. 街道名称给人的感觉是一成不变的,我很少质疑它们的起源. 我发现这真的很有趣,我打算和我的家人分享.”

布莱斯·特伦特,23岁博彩网站排名达文波特的消息令人震惊和不安. “从现在开始,我将更多地研究历史故事,特伦特说, “因为总有一些东西隐藏着, 或缩小. I was prompted to look more into the Red 夏天 of 1919 because I only knew about the Tulsa Massacre, and it’s important to learn about all of the massacres that have been hidden.”

“我们的第一个 保利连接 was hard, because working 在一起 to identify and interrupt racism is hard,” said Hershkovitz. “It elicited controversy, because we don’t all agree or sh是 the same experiences. 但是我们的第一个 保利连接 also underscored–as we hope all future events in this series also will–that accepting the historical truth and current realities of systemic racism is the only path forward, 这, 在一起, 我们可以建设一个配得上我们最高理想的学校和社会.”

保利连接 继续在三月的访问 艺术家丹德·斯科特 和他的合作 博彩网站排名艺术高中. 丰富的教授, 与此同时, will continue her work with members of the administration and student and faculty focus groups until June, 我们准备迎接 Dr. 大龙骨我们即将上任的DEI主任来到我们的校园.
