

心肺复苏/运动医学俱乐部 Is a Lifesaver

How many clubs offer the opportunity to learn a life-saving skill? The co-founders of one of Poly’s newer clubs, the 心肺复苏术/运动医学俱乐部 are excited to see the impact the club has on both Poly 和 the wider community.

CPR Club was founded last year, but couldn’t meet in person until this year.  The Class of 2022 student leaders 和 co-founders are 卡罗琳·汉娜22岁, Matthew Hanna ’22,本·罗森伯格,22岁, who have created this opportunity for students to learn life-saving skills 和 obtain a Red Cross CPR certification upon completion of the course offered during the club.

Alyssa Alaimo指导心肺复苏术俱乐部

Poly’s certified athletic trainers Alyssa Alaimo约翰Pomponio are the faculty advisors for the club 和 lead Poly’s 运动医学 部门.

“I was very surprised that the students were interested in 和 came up with this idea,” Alaimo said. “I did not think that something like this was on their radar; it just shows you how mature these students are. This club exists all thanks to these students.”

“If we can teach kids how to properly perform life-saving aid, the number of fatalities will significantly decrease.”


”马修, 本, 于是我成立了这个俱乐部,卡罗琳·汉娜说, “because we learned about the harsh reality of heart attacks, 令人窒息的, 溺水, 和 so many more things that cause sudden death in people. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) helps keep blood flowing 和 provides oxygen to the brain 和 other important organs. 这使存活的几率加倍. If we can teach kids how to properly perform life-saving aid, the number of fatalities will significantly decrease.她接着说, “So many people are not educated on how to perform CPR, 和 when they are stuck in a situation where someone needs urgent resuscitation, 他们做不到. In many states, including New York, CPR is a m和atory requirement to graduate high school. While we are a private school that does not have to require CPR certification to graduate, our club is an opportunity to teach Poly students how to save lives.”

“It is a skill that you should know 和 that you never want to use.”

Alyssa Alaimo

“We think it was important to create the club,” added 本·罗森伯格,22岁, “because we believe CPR education is very important 和 that everyone should be CPR certified. I am eager to complete the CPR training 和 for everyone else to learn more about sports medicine.” Although he does not plan to incorporate sports medicine into his future career, 罗森博格说, “但你永远不会知道.”

The Lifesaving Skills of CPR 和 First Aid

On a recent Friday during club time, Pomponio reviewed what the dozen students had previously learned about CPR.

“What is the rate of compressions to breaths?他问.

“Thirty compressions to two breaths,” a student recalled. He later noted that the compressions 和 breaths would be done in five cycles every two minutes. Pomponio also reviewed back blows 和 abdominal thrusts to help someone who is choking.


“When there is an obvious sign of life” was the response.  也, 当现场变得不安全时,他说, such as if there is an electric wire or the victim is near the highway.

Pomponio used Matt Hanna to demonstrate how to lower a victim to the floor. Then he explained how to use an AED, an automated external defibrillator, 电击受害者, 谁心脏骤停. He pointed out that if the victim is wearing a zipped jacket that could become a conductor of electricity 和 result in electrocution of the first responder.

约翰Pomponio-Careccia instructs CPR club

The students broke into pairs to practice back blows 和 abdominal thrusts. Then Pomponio demonstrated how to do rescue 呼吸, first checking for blocked airways 和 then pinching the victim’s nose, 呼吸, 和 watching for the chest to rise. He also demonstrated CPR for an infant using two fingers rather than full h和s.


“This club is open for anyone who wants to learn more about CPR 和 first aid,” Alaimo said. “You do not need to have any prior knowledge or experience before attending this club. This is a skill that everyone 和 anyone who is interested in 和 capable of learning should know. It is a skill that you should know 和 that you never want to use.”

”这门课程, which encompasses Adult/Pediatric CPR 和 AED in conjunction with basic first aid, 总共是8个小时的课程吗. We break this up to accommodate the club period time.”


After completing the course 和 obtaining certification,蓬蓬尼奥补充道, “we are leaving open the opportunity for students to ‘shadow’ us on the sidelines at practice 和 games to see some of the skills they have learned in action.”

“I’m extremely eager to get students certified,卡罗琳·汉娜说, “和 to see the impact our club has created!”

For more information about joining the 心肺复苏/运动医学俱乐部 和 about CPR training, please contact Poly athletic trainers 约翰Pomponio or Alyssa Alaimo. 学生 may also email Matthew, 本, or Caroline.
