


Poly faculty across divisions revitalize academic programs through self study and exploration.

Education and a love of learning is not exclusive to students at Poly. 教师 demonstrate that in order to offer a world-class education, they themselves must strive to be students of the world and seek out opportunities for professional growth and ingenuity around the nation and globally.

Part of the recipe for Poly’s successful academic environment includes its faculty being deeply invested in adapting new strategies for learning and seeking innovative curricular offerings. 的y possess a commitment to their disciplines that drives continued study and inspiration as they cultivate new experiences that translate to a vibrant classroom environment. 

今年夏天, 超过35名教师参加了主要会议, 科目的研讨会, and other preparatory sessions thanks to the financial contributions to 年度捐献这是保利的主要筹款活动. Opportunities that our teachers explored covered topics as wide-ranging as language immersion, 环境化学, 艺术集成, 社交情绪学习和备考, 校际领导, 和更多的. 他们的旅行, 参与创新和生成项目, and dedication of time to expanding their skills and knowledge, 创建的课程是他们学习的有力反映.

在保利, no classroom looks the same from year to year: learning materials are updated, 活动被细化, 课程都是话题性的. Students receive an evolving education that is responsive, researched, and modern. Below are a few examples of summer professional development that engaged faculty. 


玛丽莎·彭宁顿 spent time this summer getting a head start on learning and adapting the latest developments in the math curriculum used by the 较低的学校. “今年夏天,我很幸运地参加了 新加坡数学学院. 自 保利大学低年级数学课程, 关注数学, 是基于新加坡数学的概念, it is imperative that I know the ins and outs of the newest edition. One of the key components to define Singapore Math is focused on the learning process itself. 的 Singapore approach identifies three stages that students move through, 从具体到形象再到抽象, in order to conceptually understand what they are doing mathematically and why. I chose this summer institute because Susan Resnick was leading it.苏珊是《博彩网站排名》的编辑之一 关注数学 curriculum and she will be providing professional development for the 较低的学校 teachers at Poly this fall. 


Terra温德姆’s summer experience took her to northeastern New England for an independent study project relating to creating a new philosophy class. “今年夏天 the grant enabled me to go away for a week to the beautiful Green Mountains of Vermont to devote myself to developing the course.温德姆分享道. “我从大量阅读开始, both out in nature and in various small town libraries when the weather drove me indoors. 的 grant gave me the opportunity to spend time refreshing and updating my own knowledge. I thought a lot about materials and techniques I could use to make philosophy accessible and engaging for Grade 8 students, while still incorporating the ideas of philosophers in their own words as much as possible. We have just begun our philosophical explorations together this year, but I am delighted to report that my current class has approached the topic with wonder, 好奇心, 还有大量的想法和问题.”

作为温德姆专业发展工作的一部分, she created a philosophy course specifically designed for 中学 students which debuted this semester for Grade 8 students. 这门课考虑诸如“我是谁”之类的问题?,“现实的本质是什么??“我们怎么知道我们知道。?”“什么是真理?等等。.

在描述班级时, Windham shared that the course covers what philosophy is and how its themes may be woven into our individual lives as one discovers who one is and one’s place in the world. “哲学, 源自希腊语,意为“爱智慧”,’ explores the biggest questions humans ask as we seek to understand and live well in the strange and wonderful world in which we find ourselves. In this course, we’ll be joining a conversation that has spanned thousands of years. To confidently participate in this millennia and globe ranging discussion, students will learn about influential philosophers and concepts in the history of thought. 的y will sharpen their skills of reasoning and argumentation so we can continue these conversations together, 共同努力寻求真理和意义.” 


今年7月, 马克斯Shmookler, Ph.D. 花时间在巴德学院举办的讲习班上磨练自己的技能. 强调…的重要性 巴德学院写作与思考学院为期一周的研讨会, Shmookler wrote: “[的 workshops] help teachers deepen their understanding of writing-based teaching, 它的理论与实践, 以及它在课堂上的应用.

Each workshop focuses on a particular form of writing—the essay, 学术论文, creative nonfiction—or on writing-based teaching in a particular subject area, 比如历史, 科学与数学, 或语法. 的 workshops offer a retreat in which participants learn new writing practices, 阅读不同的文本, 并与来自世界各地的老师合作. 的 luxury of time helps us envision how we might make these new practices our own by adapting writing prompts, 适应大班合作学习, 结合新的阅读材料. We also explore how different forms, such as poetry, might inspire students from diverse backgrounds. 的 吟游诗人夏天Scape festival which operates concurrently with the weeklong program showcases an extraordinary program of performing arts and an international roster of acclaimed artists.”
